Established in 1995, our company has gained a vast experience in manufacturing field for the past 28 years in the field of auto parts manufacturing. With over 200 employees, we have worked with many OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to meet their requirements by supplying them with precision parts & components. At Sri Eswari Auto Components, we are proud to be your premier source for top-quality Parts & Components that keep vehicles running smoothly and safely. With decades of experience and a commitment to innovation, our company has established itself as a trusted leader in the industry. As an industry pioneer, we take pride indelivering cutting-edge solutions that meet the ering cutting-edge solutions the evolving needs of the automotive market.
A family business embodies a legacy of passion, dedication, and commitment, creating a unique sense of greatness that spans generations.
(New Product Development)
Managing Director
(Finance & HR)
Plant Director
(Manufacturing & Sales)
(International Director)